Volume XXVIII, Number 23: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- Moth and Star
- Moods (poem)
- Two Children in a Garden
- An Encouraging Thought
- Answers to Correspondents
- Mid Clover Blooms
- Suffrage or Not?
- Talks with the Servants
- A Modest Summer Outfit
- Personal
- A Bed of Ever-Blooming Roses
- Confidential Relations
- The Laundry and its Furnishings
- The Dampmere Mystery
- Suspense (poem)
- Fruits
- Out of Town
- A Private Presentation to the Queen of England
- The Real Man
- The Chinese Paintings at the Century Club
- Our Paris Letter
- New York Fashions
- Some June Publications
- Needlework and Fashions
- Queerness
- My Lady Nobody