Volume XXVIII, Number 8: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- Petits Soins
- Answers to Correspondents
- Some Good Winter-Flowering Plants
- The Oral Method (play)
- Music
- The "Ladies' Edition"
- Fairy Godmothers
- Personal
- Mrs. Donald McLean
- The Society of Colonial Dames of Virginia
- How to Dress Well for Little Money
- The Blue Mediterranean
- Jogging One's Memory
- humor page
- The Ship Comes In (poem)
- Blue, Green, and Yellow
- Olive-Oil-Making in South Italy
- Pleasant-Weather Girls
- Women and Men
- Our Paris Letter
- New York Fashions
- Needlework and Fashions
- My Lady Nobody
- "What We Are Doing"
- Faithful Service