Volume XIII, Number 22: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- Fashions
- Embroidered Work-Basket
- Lord Brackenbury: a Novel
- Life in India
- Sayings and Doings
- Answers to Correspondents
- Girls' Summer Bonnets
- Cravats and Cravat Bows
- The British Peerage
- A Song in a Shower (poem)
- Sunrise
- Paper Air Castles
- Fifteen, Fourteen, Thirteen
- Chestnut Starch (dextrine) as a Substitute for Glue in Colored Wash for Walls, etc.
- The Marriage of the Flowers (poem)
- Knitted Edgings for Lingerie
- Fashions
- Facetiae
- A Country Life
- "Taking the Taste Out"
- The Purse of Fortunatus
- Chinese Women in California
- New York Fashions
- Personal
- Needlework