Volume VIII, Number 44: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- Ladies' Fall and Winter Dresses
- Mesalliances
- Cloth Jacket and Sacque
- Closing Days (poem)
- Hostages to Fortune
- Sayings and Doings
- Camel's Hair and Gros Grain Dress
- Drap d'Ete Dolman
- Water-Proof Cloaks
- Practical Hints for the Sick-Room
- Courtesy the Best Policy
- Palms
- Shooting-Stars (poem)
- Halves
- English Gossip
- Noblesse Oblige
- At the Stile (poem)
- A Few Odd Pleas
- Day-Dreams (poem)
- Castles in the Air (poem)
- Answers to Correspondents
- Facetiae
- October Thoughts
- Almanac Faith
- "Idle Tears"
- New York Fashions
- Personal
- Fringes for Dresses, Wrappings, etc.
- Dresses for Girls from 3 to 13 Years Old