Volume VII, Number 9: Harper's bazaar
From Harper's bazaar
- Ladies' House Dresses
- Ask Not Why I Should Love Her (poem)
- Promenade Costume
- Through Fire and Water
- George Eliot's Sayings
- Sayings and Doings
- Notes on the Way to the Royal Wedding
- Too Late (poem)
- Our Winter Guests
- English Gossip
- Useful Recipes
- The Inky Way (poem)
- Second-Cousin Sarah
- Choosing Furs at Berlin
- Cape with High Standing Collar
- Crochet Foundations for Purses
- House Dresses
- Confession of Doctors
- Answers to Correspondents
- Facetiae
- St. Valentine's Day
- Fairs
- Our Artists and Their Harvests
- New York Fashions
- Personal
- Needlework
- Spanish Customs