Volume 19, Number 6: American food journal
- The Editor's Page
- Applied Nutrition
- Teaching Nutrition by the Dramatic Method
- Capitalizing Jimmy by Means of a Nutrition Primer
- The Story of Peanut Butter
- Convention News: Prosperity for Grocers Predicted at Convention
- Broad Policies Defined by Grocers
- Digests from Food Magazines
- Food Technology: The Uniformity of Canned Milk
- The Conference Table
- Cannery Inspection in Ohio
- A Classical Student Who Became an Industrial Chemist
- With the Food Control Officials
- Book Reviews
- Advertising Index
- Foreign Trade in American Foodstuffs
- Unexplored Territory for the Food Manufacturer
- Editorial
- Among Manufacturers and Distributors: The Place of the Food broker in Manufacture and Distribution
- Food and Health Education
- Minute Movies for Teaching Food and Health Lessons
- Why Not a Series of Food and Health Weeks