Volume 16, Number 1: American food journal
- "New Era of Wholesome Food" Ushered in by Great Convention of Canners
- Coffee and Sugar Exchange Officers Elected
- Editorial Comment
- Correspondence
- British Find Method of Drying Strawberries
- The Association Elects Officers
- Storage of Fruits at Freezing Temperatures
- Macaroni Makers Ask Higher Duty
- Psychology of Consumer Preference
- Canners Ask for Tariff Reciprocity
- Wisconsin Cheese Must be Dated
- Canada's Cocoa and Chocolate Industry
- Margarin Industry of Hull, England
- Biscuit Trade in Dublin
- Meat Products Below Pre-war Price Levels
- To Hold "Eat-more-Meat" Conference February 11
- Two Meat Packing Companies Merged
- Trademark Rights Upheld by Court
- Peanuts Largest Industry in Shantung
- Suggest Cooperation to Lower Food Costs
- Wisconsin Pea Canners Cooperate Under Export Law
- Big Reduction in Imported Tea Rejection
- Foods Found Illegal for Sale in Wyoming
- Personals
- Campbell Company Buys Factory in Indiana
- Advertising Index
- Government Controls Dutch Milk Industry
- Sanitation in Food Preservation
- Food Product Reform in America
- Weight Variations in Package Foods
- What are Vitamines?---Best Described by What They Do
- Food Supply Ample Without Imports