Volume 13, Number 9: American food journal
- Rotten Butter
- Less Meat, More Butter, in Storage
- Neutralized Butter
- Condensed Milk is Carefully Inspected
- False Advertising Laws
- The Druggists and Proprietaries
- Use of U. S. Liquid Measure Illegal in Canadian Trade
- A Year's Perspective in Food
- Food Administration Activities Praised
- Food Controllers of Allied Countries Adopt Resolution
- Wheat Conservation Program
- Lannen Counsels the Use of Saccharin
- Retail Prices, September 1, 1917
- The Health Officer and the Big Fight
- Canada Food Saving Producing Results
- Flour Milling Profits Regulated
- Poultry and Egg Rules for Sales
- Careful Candling of Eggs Reduces Waste
- Sugar Equalization Board to Purchase All Sugar
- Inspection Service for Fruits and Vegetables Extended
- Retail Candy Sales to Be Limited
- Penalties Under Food Control Act
- Rice Standardization in Price and Grade
- Sable Fish a New Market Variety
- Corn Milking Grades Changed
- Canadian Regulations to Conserve Wheat
- Proposed Change in Price of Sugar Goes into Effect
- Maximum Prices of Beef for Army and Navy
- Stocks of Fats and Oils in the United States, July 1, 1918
- Salt Water Fish Production to Be Increased
- Recent Patents
- Tea and Coffee Containers Standardized
- Big Increase in Cottage-cheese Sales
- American Bacon in England
- Premium Coupons in Official Disfavor
- The Cheese Industry Regulated
- The Powdered Milk Industry
- Notices of Judgment Under the Food and Drugs Act
- Sugar Prices in Other Countries
- The Bacteriology of Peanut Butter and the Germicidal Action of Arachis Oil
- Grain Corporation Capital Increased
- Fish in Alaska
- Food Administrator Hoover's Statement