Volume 13, Number 8: American food journal
- Meat Packers Attacked by Federal Trade Commission
- Economies in Tomato Manufacturing
- Recent Patents
- Wilhelm as a Press Agent
- Retail Prices, August 1, 1918
- Saccharin Wins in New York
- Canning Compounds Illegal in Pennsylvania
- Fish Situation Without Cold Storage
- Mold in Tomato Products
- Chemicals in Confectionery
- Price Differentials Legal in New York
- Wheat Flour Bread Again Permissible
- Increased Butter and Cheese Margins Authorized
- Penalties Under Food Control Act
- Stocks of Cereal Products on Hand, July 1, 1918
- Federal Live Stock Reporting Service Transferred to Chicago
- Important Changes in Food Administration Personnel
- Hughes Resigns from the Food Administration
- Rhondda's Successor Named
- Commissioner Woodward Resigns
- Butter Standards: A Symposium
- The American Grapefruit
- The Sugar Situation
- Stock Yards Regulations
- Notices of Judgment Under the Food and Drugs Act
- Health Survery Shows Need for More Milk
- The Beef Supply
- Crop Conditions in France
- Beef and Pork Exports for June
- Molasses and Sirups Standards May Be Charged
- Program of Twenty-second Annual Convention of Food Control Officials