Volume 13, Number 6: American food journal
- Food Control Officials
- Federal Trade Commission Analyzes Canning Industry
- Cereal Beverages
- Pennsylvania Standards for Eggs and Grains
- Why Save Sugar?
- Penalties Imposed by U. S. Food Administration
- Standard Containers for Fruits and Vegetables
- Penalties Under Food Control Act
- Recent Patents
- Typhoid Infection from Bottling Plants
- The Fish Situation
- Butter Standards
- Lucius P. Brown Suspended
- Cereal Products Defined by U. S. Food Administration
- California Fishing Restrictions Suspended
- National Confectioners' Convention
- Retail Grocers Convene
- Bakers' National Convention May Be Abandoned for 1918
- Public Hearings on Butter
- Jam, Jelly, Preserve and Condiment Packers Organize
- Milk Testers and Dealers Prosecuted in Illinois
- Thirty Illinois Dealers Fined for Watering and Skimming Milk
- Bateson Now Food Commissioner of Buffalo
- Canada Adopts Price Maintenance as a War Measure
- Wisconsin Skim-milk Cheese Law
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Olive Oil Cases Seized in Chicago
- Color Test for Orange Maturity Proves Success
- Dehydration of Fruits and Vegetables
- Bottle Makers Agree to Curtail Production
- Definitions and Standards for Condiments
- Cold Storage Legislation
- Artificially Colored Salmon
- Baking Powder Ruling in Canada
- Packaged Foods in the Movies
- Retail Prices, June 1, 1918
- Maple Sugar Production Brings German Rumors
- Winfield, Kansas Knows How
- St. Louis Measure Ordinance
- Texas Ice Cream Ordinance
- Refrigeration for Ripening Fruit
- Hotel Conservation Wrinkles
- Artificial Cream
- Conserving Sugar, Glycerine and Alcohol in Medicines
- Regulation of the Meat Packing Industry
- Peanut Butter Facts
- Sugar Allotments 80 Per Cent of Last Year's Needs
- Substitutes for Sugar
- Sugar in Enemy Countries
- Food Progress in Porto Rico
- Alabama Warns Handlers of Eggs and Feeds
- North Dakota Has Commercial Feedingstuffs Law
- Sale of Peanut Meals Containing Hulls Prohibited in Pennsylvania
- American Public Health Association Meeting
- Commercial Stocks of Wheat, Wheat Flour, and Miscellaneous Wheat Food Products
- Retail Prices to Be Limited
- Tests that Point to Tin-saving
- Book Reviews
- Vermont Food Administrator
- Increased Production of Food Crops in Territories
- Food Review
- To Preserve Vegetables by Fermentation
- Canada Prohibits Wheat Middlings
- "Read Test" Still Legal for Texas
- Fishy Flavors
- Composition of Maple Products
- Dairy, Food and Drug Officials Will Meet
- Cattle Feed Substitutes
- Food Inspection Decision 173
- Human Food Produced by Farm Animals from 100 Pounds of Digestible Matter Consumed
- Errors in Weight of Print Butter
- New York's Pure Food Laws
- "Neer-Beer" Illegal in Georgia
- "Neer-Beer" Included in Malting Restriction
- Courts Define Adulteration
- Wisconsin Cheesemakers Ask More General Enforcement of the Law
- Barbot and Sablefish
- Texas Permits the Use of Saccharin
- France Reduces Bread Consumption One-third
- Bread from Whole Grain
- Diet Tests of Cottonseed Flour
- Millers Must Not Mix
- Notices of Judgement Under the Food and Drugs Act
- Red Cross Food Awaiting U. S. Prisoners in Germany