Volume 11, Number 6: American food journal
- Behind Closed Doors
- Patents and Copyrights
- The Wholesale Grocery Field
- Canned Foods Market
- Dried Fruit Market
- Fish Market Report
- How Uncle Sam Helps Business
- Program Tenth Annual Meeting National Wholesale Grocers' Association of the United States, Boston, Mass., June 14, 15, 16, 1916--Headquarters Copley-Plaze Hotel
- Gleanings from the World of Foods
- Consular Trade Notes and Brevities
- Prof. McKay and Butter
- Better Wages, Better Health
- Convention of Milk and Butter Producers at Washington--Group Conferences in Evidence--All "in Favor" of Better Butter--Nothing Specific Done to Attain It--Views of Ralph H. Case, Linthicum Resolution Attorney
- Southern Wholesale Grocers' Association Holds Annual Convention at Memphis, May 24th-26--McLaurin Re-elected to Presidency--Many Speakers of Note--Galveston Chose for 1917 Gathering
- Washington D. C. News Letter
- Poor Pickings for Calumet Indian in Utah
- Notes from Field of Food Control
- Sweeping Meat Food Products Decision Rendered by United States Circuit Court of Pennsylvania Against Pittsburg Melting Co.--All Meat Products Not Inspected and Passed, and so Marked, Must Be Denatured