Volume 11, Number 3: American food journal
- Professor Farrell and the Butter Storm
- Notes from Field of Food Control
- Interstate Shipment of Eggs
- Michigan Dairy and Food Department Destroyed by Fire--Commissioner Helme Has Narrow Escape from Death--Deadly Fumes Peril Rescuers--Defective Wiring Cause--Shannon a Jonah?
- Campaign Against Cheap Candies
- Washington D. C. News Letter
- Elton Fulmer Killed in Wreck
- Canadian Fishermen Seek Concessions
- Continuing Food Guarantee Held Good by Court
- Amend Net Weight Regulations
- The Wholesale Grocery Field
- Cannot Fix Standards
- Canned Foods Review
- Dried Fruit Market Review
- Salt Fish Market
- Monthly Spice Letter
- Intimate Study of the Chain Store
- England's Chicory High
- Gleanings from the World of Foods
- Food News from the East
- New Butter and Egg Exchange
- Sugar Refiners' Troubles
- Child Labor Bill Up to Senate
- Stevens Bill a Bone of Contention
- New Cure for Price Cutting
- Big Drug Combinations
- Three Big Men Resign
- Blundering Law Makers
- Taking "Pay-up" Week Seriously
- Coffee Ships Scarce
- Allies Form Buying Pool
- Directory of Food Control Officials
- Limited Market for Yeast Cakes
- Ninth Annual Convention of National Canners and Allied Industries is Held at Louisville--Richard Dickinson of Eureka, Ill., Elected to Presidency--Kraut and Fruit Sections Formed--Addresses and Items of Interest
- Enormous Crops of Lemons
- Bureau of Chemistry Extends Research
- Lemon Extract Ruling
- Pennsylvania Supreme Court Holds Packer Liable for Injury Incurred by Consumer in Eating Diseased Product--Important Precedent Established--Fact that Grocer Intervenes as Distributor Inmaterial
- Views and Principles of One Official
- American Crackers Badly Packed