Volume 9, Number 2: American food journal
- Changes Made in Federal Food and Drug Control
- Dr. Crumbine in Illinois
- Canners Laboratory at Washington
- Canners Will Convene at Baltimore
- Activities at the Federal Capital
- Recent Food Law Decisions
- Albumen in Baking Powder
- Dried Fruits Economical Diet
- Canned Milk in India
- Ohio Milk Bulletin
- Important Supreme Court Decision
- Assistant Chief of the Bureau of Chemistry
- Pennsylvania Correspondence
- Indiana Correspondence
- Conservation of Food Products
- The Shredded Wheat Family
- Stated in the Concrete
- Effect of Legislation Upon Chemical Industries
- Short of Feed in Missouri
- Restaurant Keepers Must Tell the Truth
- Quality of Food
- Well Merited Promotion
- Increased Use of Canned Foods
- Epitome of State Liquor Laws
- Federal Appointments
- Weighting Chickens with Sand
- Bacteria at Low Temperatures
- Directory of Food Control Officials
- Let the Spring Chicken Grow
- Nine Years Old
- Food Control at Its Source
- Eugenics and Pure Food
- Campaign of Education
- The Consumer's Burden