Journal of home economics: Volume 57, Number 3
- A Look Ahead to AHEA's 56th Annual Meeting
- A Study of Labor Time in a Centralized School Food Service Unit
- Starch: Changes During Heating in the Presence of Moisture
- Adjustment Problems of Adolescent Daughters of Employed Mothers
- Socioeconomic Factors Influence Children's Diets
- AHEA Representatives
- Spring Meeting Dates (1965) Of Affiliated State Home Economics Associations
- College Chapters: Do Homemakers Still Can Foods?
- Titles of Theses--Home Economics and Related Fields, 1963-64
- Why Have a Core Program?
- Food Science, the Teammate of Agriculture
- For the Record
- New Books
- Research Notes
- Washington News
- Editorial
- The Future of Home Economics Research
- Expanded Research Programs Under Vocational Education
- Reactions to Built-in Color in Houses
- Homes for Old Age
- Heat Penetration, Quality, and Yield of Turkeys Roasted to an Internal Breast Temperature of 195 F