Journal of home economics: Volume 49, Number 7
- New AHEA Officers
- College Clubs
- 1956-57 Report of Activities
- AHEA Program of Work for 1956-58
- Plans for Action
- AHEA Legislative Program for 1957-58
- Presidents of Affliated State Associations (1957-58) and Fall Meeting Dates
- Statistical Report of State Associations
- AHEA Constitution and Bylaws
- Proposals for an AHEA Assembly of Delegates
- Resolutions from the 1957 Annual Meeting
- From the Minds of Men to the Lives of People
- Officers and Committees- 1957-58
- New Books
- News Notes
- Flashes from Our Advertisers and Exhibitors
- Education for a Dynamic Society
- A Research Foundation for the American Home
- The News, the United States and the World
- Home Economics Around the World
- High Lights of the Annual Meeting
- What Makes an Annual Meeting
- Ninth International Congress on Home Economics