Volume 34, Number 3: Child development
From Child development
- The Working Mother: A Review of Research
- A Developmental Study of Object Sorting
- Ontogenetic Change in the Meaning of Concepts as Measured by the Semantic Differential
- Relation Between Concept Formation Ability and Reading Achievement at Three Developmental Levels
- Observing Behavior in Preschool Children as a Function of Stimulus Complexity
- A Note on Piaget's Concept of Conservation
- The Short Term Prospective Model, the Illusion of Time, and the Tabula Rasa Child
- Developmental Deprivation and Mental Illness: "A Study of 20 Questions"
- Three Four-year-olds
- Development of Intelligence of Infants with Mongolism
- Relation of Age and Mental Growth to the CFF Response in Children
- Studies of Reinforcement of Aggression: I. Effects of Scheduling
- Similarity in IQ of Separated Identical Twins as Related to Length of Time Spent in Same Environement
- Test Anxiety and Performance on Projective Tests
- Relation of Test Anxiety, Defensiveness, and Intelligence to Sociometric Status
- Socially Desirable Responses in Relation to Grade Level
- Consistency of Pupil Rating Behavior Over Two Social-Pyschological Need Situations
- Social Visibility
- Effects of Work-requirements in Two Types of Delay of Gratification Situations
- Studies of Reinforcement of Aggression: II. Effects of Emotionally-arousing Antecedent Conditions
- Studies of Reinforcement of Aggression: III. Transfer of Responses to an Interpersonal Situation
- Parent Discipline and the Child's Consideration for Others
- Parent-Child Relations and Parental Personality in Relation to Young Children's Sex-role Preferences
- Sex-role Preferences and Adjustment in Early Adolescents
- A Second Study of Four Family Variables
- Effect of Childrearing Practices on Development of Differential Cognitive Abilities