Volume 33, Number 3: Child development
From Child development
- Mongoloid MA is Proportional to Log CA
- Early Studies of Children's Moral Judgments
- Logical Operations in Area and Length Measurement: Age and Training Effects
- Studies in Perceptual Development: I. The Decentering of Perception
- Children's Reactions to Novelty: An Experimental Study of "Curiosity Motivation"
- Motivational and Ability Determinants of Young Children's Intellectual Achievement Behaviors
- Constancy of Personal Morale over a Fifteen-year Interval
- Junior High School and Additional Elementary School Normative Data for the Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale
- Operant Conditioning of Continuous Speech in Young Children
- Justin and His Peers: An Experimental Analysis of a Child's Social World
- Relations Between Pediatric, Psychological, and Neurological Examinations During the First Year of Life
- Spoken Language of Adolescent Retardates and Its Relation to Intelligence, Age, and Anxiety
- Effects of Age and Instructions on Children's Probability Learning
- Social Deprivation and the Performance of Retarded and Normal Children on a Satiation Type Task
- Relations of Factors Derived from Parent-interview Ratings to Behavior Problems of Five-year-olds
- A Method to Assess Aspects of Parent-Child Relationships
- Sex-Role and Parental Identification
- Social Class Differences in Conscience Development
- The Development of Conscience: A Comparison of American Children of Different Mental and Socioeconomic Levels
- The Development of Conscience: A Comparison of Students in Catholic Parochial Schools and in Public Schools