Volume 33, Number 1: Child development
From Child development
- Marital Integration as a Factor in Parent-Child Relations
- Some Correlates of Parental Imitation in Young Children
- Emotionally Disturbed Children: A Historical Review
- Effect of Direct and Vicarious Verbalization on Retention
- Incentive Value of Social Stimuli for Preschool Children
- Comparison of Childrearing Attitudes of Mothers and Fathers of Emotionally Disturbed Adolescents
- Factorial Dimensions of the Characteristics of Children in Placement and Their Families
- Physique and Maturation Rate in Male Adolescents
- Experimental Analysis of the Development of the Conservation of Number
- European Neurological Studies of the Newborn
- The Developmental Behavioral Approach to the Neurologic Examination in Infancy
- Dependency and Helpfulness in Young Children
- Behavioral Indices of Brain Injury in School Children
- Effects of Mediated Generalization on the Development of Children's Preferences for Figures
- Children's Perceptions and Expressions of Sex Preference
- Adjustment of Problem and Nonproblem Children to Specific Situations: A Study in Role Theory
- Fantasy Aggression in Children as Studied by the Doll Play Technique
- Relation Between Heterosexual Friendship Choices and Socioeconomic Level
- Capacity of a Human Neonate Reflex to Signal Future Response by Present Action
- Nonnutritive Sucking and Dental Malocclusion in the Deciduous and Permanent Teeth of the Rhesus Monkey
- Studies of Physical Disability: Reliability of Measurement of Skeletal Age from Hand Films
- Head Banging in Early Childhood
- Nonnutritive Sucking and the Development of Malocclusion in the Deciduous Teeth of the Infant Rhesus Monkey
- Effects of Maternal Factors upon Growth and Behavior of the Rat
- Perception of Maternal Childrearing Attitudes, Personality of the Perceiver, and Incipient Psychopathology