Vol. 97, No. 2, September, 1920: The Delineator
From The Delineator
- "See You Next Summer"
- A Tiny English House
- The Puppy Rug
- A Nun's Job: Teaching in Kansas
- Planning Your Laundry
- Friends that Count. A Businesswoman to Her Daughter--IV
- Topknots and Souls
- A Beauty Spot: the Mantel
- Prenatal Days, and Cheerful, Too
- The Dinner-Pail of the Business Girl
- That Plaguy Dinner. Have a Cafeteria
- Women in Politics? Ever Since Eve!
- Salvage the Late Fruits
- Some Smart Things Here, Hostess
- Eat What You Want While Observing Certain Rules
- Cooking with Cocoa
- Happy, Busy, Quiet Games
- Fashions
- Even the Youngest
- What Makes It Worthwhile
- Ma Bennett Takes a Hand
- Careless Daughters
- The Price of Dignity
- The Ranching of Nan
- Staying Overnight