Vol. 41, No, 1, January, 1893: The Delineator
From The Delineator
- Remarks on Current Fashions
- Child Life. Chapter XI.
- Dinner and Evening Toilettes
- Goodies for Little Folks
- Crocheting. No. 22
- The Art of Knitting. No. 20
- Home-Making and House-Keeping in the Far West
- Some Uses of Crepe and Tissue Papers
- Some Rainy-Day Amusements
- A Shadow Party
- Seen in the Shops
- Styles for Misses and Girls
- Drawn-Work
- Tatting. No. 9
- Modern Lace-Making
- Salads and Salad Dressings
- The Delsarte System of Physical Culture
- Sports and Pastimes
- A Pretty Winter Dinner
- Two Christmas Dinners
- Rambles among Holiday Books
- Around the Tea-Table
- Styles for Little Folks
- Forming a Library
- The Treatment of the Hair
- Housekeepers' Department
- Floral Work for January
- Illustrated Miscellany
- Cosy Corners and Artistic Nooks. No. 13
- Fancy Stitches and Embroideries. No. 13
- New Dress Materials
- Fashionable Garnitures
- Stylish Millinery