Cornell University Library Digital Collections
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- Abbey, le Mont-Saint-Michel, France3
- Albert Memorial, Hyde Park, London, England1
- Albert, Prince Consort of Victoria, Queen of Great Britain1
- Altars1
- Arched portals7
- Arched windows2
- Architecture3
- Architecture plans1
- Art Institute of Chicago (Old), Chicago, Illinois1
- Arts1
- Austin Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts1
- Bank of Newburgh Building, Ithaca, New York1
- Barred windows2
- Basilica of Guadalupe (Old), Mexico City, Mexico1
- Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Old), Mexico City, Mexico1
- Bays1
- Beams1
- Bells1
- Belvedere Court, Vatican, Rome, Italy1
- Benches1