Cornell University Library Digital Collections
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- Neurdein Frères (French photography studio and publisher, active late 19th-early 20th centuries in Paris and Canada)5
- Wilson, George Washington (Scottish photographer, publisher, and painter, 1823-1893)4
- Lemere, Bedford (English photographer, 1840-ca. 1911)3
- Norman, Carl (Photographer, British, active ca. 1870-ca. 1890)3
- Scott, George Gilbert, I (English architect, 1811-1878)3
- Bisson Frères (French photography studio, 1841-1864)2
- Eyre, Wilson (American architect, 1858-1944)2
- Lancelot, Gustave (French photographer, 1830-1906)2
- Mieusement, Séraphin Médéric (Photographer, French, 1840-1905)2
- Valentine, James (Scottish photographer, 1815-1879)2
- Waterhouse, Alfred (British architect, 1830-1905)2
- Austin, Henry (American architect, 1804-1891)1
- Bedford, Francis (English photographer, 1816-1894)1
- Brogi, Giacomo (Italian photographer, 1822-1881)1
- Burnet, John James (Scottish architect, 1857-1938)1
- Cave, Walter Frederick (British architect, designer, 1863-1939)1
- Hammerschmidt, W. (German photographer, active 19th century)1
- Joy, William (English architect, flourished 1329-1347)1
- L. P. (Photographer)1
- Laurent, Juan (French photographer, 1816-1892, active in Spain and France)1