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- Brown, B. Gratz, American (1826-1885), Vice-Presidential Candidate1
- Grant, Ulysses S. (1822-1885), American (1822-1885), Presidential Candidate1
- Greeley, Horace, American (1811-1872), Presidential Candidate1
- Kaplan, Schell1
- Lithographers & Photoengravers Intnl. Union (1964-1972)1
- Marshall, Thomas R., American (1854-1925), Vice-Presidential Candidate1
- Nast, Thomas (September 27, 1840 - December 7, 1902)1
- Reid, Whitelaw, American (1837-1912), Editor of the New York Tribune1
- Republican National Committee1
- Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919), American (1858-1919), Presidential Candidate1
- Schurz, Carl, American (1829-1906), Senator1
- Taft, William H., American (1857-1930), Presidential Candidate1
- Whitehead & Hoag1
- Wilson, Woodrow, American (1856-1924), Presidential Candidate1