Cornell University Library Digital Collections
- Carlisle, John Griffin, American (1835-1910), Secretary of the Treasury1
- Cass, Lewis, American (1782-1866), Politician1
- Chambers, Benjamin J., American, Vice-Presidential Candidate1
- Chase, Salmon P., American (1808-1873), Diana1
- Childs, Henry H., American (1783-1868), Elector1
- Citizens for Eisenhower1
- Clay, Edward Williams (1799-1857)1
- Cleveland, Grover, American (1837-1908), 1892 Presidential Candidate1
- Cleveland, Grover, American (1837-1908), Candidate for N.Y. Governor1
- Cleveland, Grover, American (1837-1908), Presidential Contender1
- Colfax, Schuyler, American (1823-1885), Vice-President1
- Colfax, Schuyler, American (1823-1885), Vice-Presidential Candidate1
- Coolidge, Calvin, American (1872-1933), Candidate for Massachusetts Governor1
- Coolidge, Calvin, American (1872-1933), Presidential Candidate1
- Cox, Channing H., American, Candidate for Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor1
- Cuningham, Charles E., American, Vice-Presidential Candidate1
- Curtis, Charles, American (1860-1936), Vice-Presidential Candidate1
- D.J. Gallagher & Co.1
- Dahlgren, John Adolphus Bernard, American (1809-1870), Naval Officer1
- Dallas, George M., American (1792-1864), Vice-Presidential Candidate1