Cornell University Library Digital Collections
- Mirski, Michal2
- Monsky, Henry, 1890-19472
- National Coordinating Committee for the Admission of 100,000 Homeless Jews into the U.S.2
- Padgug, Nathan M.2
- Strugatch, Moishe, 1892-19732
- Truman, Harry S., 1884-19722
- United States. Office of War Information, Foreign Language Division2
- Wise, Stephen S. (Stephen Samuel), 1874-19492
- Wojewódzki Komitet Żydowski w Katowicach (Regional Jewish Committee of Katowice)2
- World Jewish Congress2
- probably Sandler, Gedaliah (George)2
- אָלגין, משה2
- גאלדבערג, א2
- זינגער, ח2
- יוקלסאָן, ר2
- סטרוגאטש, מ2
- מאַנדעל, א1
- עגיט, יעקב1
- 'ץעש'ןסק1
- (Nakhman Meisel) (Nachman Meisel)1