Cornell University Library Digital Collections
- Bakal, Moyshe2
- Beiles, Rayzl2
- Bloom, Isaac, 1887-19652
- Chaver Paver [G. Aynbinder]2
- Chaver-Paver, 1901-19642
- Gordon, Yahse (Yasha Gordon)2
- Hamburger, Manya2
- International Workers Order, Jewish Women's Section of the New York City Committee; West End Women's District Committee2
- Jewish School in Szczecin; שטשעטשין2
- Malach, Lotty F., 1905-2
- Mark, Bernard, 1908-1966 (Bernard Ber Mark)2
- Mirski, Michal2
- Widgren, Armas2
- Women's [Club] Builders2
- Yiddish Cooperative Book League of the Jewish Section, I.W.O.2
- Youkelson, Rubin2
- באקאל, מוישע2
- ביילעס, ר2
- גאָרדאָן, יאשע2
- האמבורגער, מ2