Cornell University Library Digital Collections
- פיש, י2
- ריטש, דאָרא2
- Albert, R.1
- Bailin, (Y.B) Israel Ber, 1883-19611
- Bick, Abraham1
- Cahan, Abraham, 1860-19511
- Central Committee of Jews in Poland; CKŻP, Centralny Komitet Żydów w Polsce1
- City Women's Culture (Advisory) Board1
- Edlin, Ṿillyam, 1878-19471
- Friend, Mary [?]1
- Hamburger, Manya1
- ICOR Organization for Jewish Colonization in the Soviet Union1
- International Workers Order, Jewish Women's Section of the New York City Committee; West End Women's District Committee1
- Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (U.S.), Shul un Kultur (School and Culture) Committee1
- Jewish-American Section, I.W.O.1
- Kaplan, William1
- Lodge Culture Directors1
- Mark, Bernard, 1908-1966 (Bernard Ber Mark)1
- Morgn Freiheit (Morgn-frayhayṭ)1
- Morgn-Freiheit, Morgn Frayhayt1