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- Nixon, Richard M., American (1913-1994), Presidential Candidate25
- Allied Printing Trades Council23
- Ruth Sharp17
- Intnl. Photo Engravers' Union of North America (1900-1964)14
- Emress Specialty Co.12
- Green Duck Company9
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, American (1902-1985), Vice-Presidential Candidate9
- Kennedy, John F. (1917-1963), American (1917-1963), Presidential Candidate8
- Amalgamated Lithographers of America (1882-1964)7
- Johnson, Lyndon B., American (1908-1973), Vice-Presidential Candidate6
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., American (1908-1979), Presidential Candidate5
- United Hatters, Cap & Millinery Wkrs Intnl. Union5
- Nixon, Pat, American (1912-1993), Candidate's Wife4
- Goldwater, Barry M., American (1909-1998), Presidential Candidate2
- Johnson, Lyndon B., American (1908-1973), Presidential Candidate2
- Meyner, Robert B., American (1908-1990), Presidential Candidate2
- Unknown2
- A.G. Trimble1
- Aura Badge Co.1
- Bastian Brothers Co.1