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- Dewey, Thomas E., American (1902-1971), Presidential Candidate16
- Allied Printing Trades Council15
- Truman, Harry S., American (1884-1972), Presidential Candidate11
- Warren, Earl, American (1891-1974), Vice-Presidential Candidate10
- Intnl. Photo Engravers' Union of North America (1900-1964)8
- Wallace, Henry Agard, American (1888-1965), Presidential Candidate8
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., American (1890-1969), Presidential Candidate5
- Douglas, William O., American (1898-1980), Presidential Candidate4
- Republican National Committee4
- Taft, Robert A., American (1889-1953), Presidential Candidate4
- Achatit3
- Taylor, Glen Hearst, American (1904-1984), Vice-Presidential Candidate3
- Amalgamated Lithographers of America (1882-1964)2
- Barkley, Alben William, American (1877-1956), Vice-Presidential Candidate2
- Democrats for Douglas2
- Emress Specialty Co.2
- Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (U.S.)2
- Philadelphia Badge Co.2
- Presidential Neckties2
- Stassen, Harold Edward, American (1907-2001), Presidential Candidate2