Cornell University Library Digital Collections
- Kefauver, Estes, American (1903-1963), Vice-Presidential Candidate2
- Kerr, Robert S., American (1896-1963), Presidential Candidate2
- New York State Citizens for Eisenhower-Nixon2
- Pal Cap Paperlynen Co.2
- Rockwell, Norman (1894-1978)2
- Russell, Richard B., American (1897-1971), Presidential Candidate2
- Shorewood Press2
- Smith, H. Alexander, American (1880-1966), Candidate for U.S. Senator from New Jersey2
- Stein, Clarence S. (American architect and urban planner, 1882-1975)2
- Unknown2
- Zayac, Richard2
- Abbey Records1
- Abilene Music Co.1
- Acheson, Dean, American (1893-1971), Secretary of State1
- American Federation of Labor1
- American Paper Goods Company1
- Arti Grafiche Panetto & Petrelli, publishers1
- Austrian Federal Government; Osterreichische Staatsdruckerei1
- Barbelle (1888-1957)1
- Barkley, Alben William, American (1877-1956), Presidential Candidate1