Cornell University Library Digital Collections
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- C. Hennecke Co. (reproduction)1
- Gebrüder Micheli, Berlin (reproduction)1
- Kresilas (Greek original)1
- Leopoldo Malpiere Formatore Roma (reproduction)1
- Myron of Eleutherai (Greek original)1
- Pheidias (Greek original)1
- Polyeuktos (Greek original)1
- Polykleitos (Greek original) (original)1
- Praxiteles1
- Sosibios (attributed by signature in Greek on vase)1
- Timotheos (Greek original, attributed)1
- Unknown (original)1
- attributed to Callimachus (Greek original) (original)1
- attributed to Praxiteles (Greek original)1
- attributed to Socrates (either the 5th c. Athenian philosopher or an earlier 5th c. Socrates from Boeotia)1
- possibly Alkamenes (Greek original)1
- possibly Lysippos (Greek original) (original)1
- possibly Silanion of Athens (Greek original) (original)1
- various artists proposed for Greek original, including Skopas, Lysippos1