Cornell University Library Digital Collections
- Constitutional Education League, Inc., publisher2
- Croscup, George E.2
- Crusade for Truth, Inc.2
- D & W Gibbs, Ltd.2
- Dangerfield Printing Co., Ltd.2
- Deutschland2
- Duncan, W. B.2
- Editions M.D.I.2
- Eighth U.S. Army, First Loudspeaker and Leaflet Company, Korea2
- Emich, Gusztav, publisher2
- Ente Nazionale Industrie Turistiche (ENIT) & Treves Treccani Tumminelli, publishers2
- Ente Nazionale Industrie Turistiche (ENIT) [Italian State Tourist Agency], publisher2
- Erickson, Bill2
- Everdell, Coburn D.2
- Executive Committee , New-Hampshire Temperance Society, publisher; Hill & Barton, printers.2
- Executive Committee of the All-Russian Monarchist Front U.S.A.2
- Famous Canadian Jubilee Singers2
- First National City Bank of New York2
- Fochler-Hauke, G. (editor)2
- Frison, Gustave2