Cornell University Library Digital Collections
- Carlson, Mrs. Fritz 1
- Carpenter, Mr. Taylor E. 1
- Cei, Cipriano (Italian painter, born 1867)1
- Class of 19831
- Coffin-May, Mrs. Lucretia1
- Cooper, William1
- Cornell Board of Trustees1
- Cornell Class of 18841
- Cornell Hindustani Association1
- Cornell, Ezra 1
- Cornell, Mrs. Ester Elizabeth 1
- Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H.1
- Dickinson, Sidney E. (American painter, born 1890)1
- Donated by the Cornell Class of 1957 in honor of their 45th Reunion1
- Donated by the Cornell Class of 1957 in honor of their 45th reunion1
- Editions Delandre1
- Fassett, Truman E. (American painter, born 1885)1
- Field, Frederick W.1
- Field, Mary Hyde1
- Fisher, William1