Volume 30: Annual report
From Annual report
- Report of the Director
- The Winter Storage of Roots
- The Forcing of Plants by Means of Warm Water Immersions
- Concerning Quality in Celery
- The Gnarly Apple Disease of 1914
- The Thermal Death Point in Yeast
- Soil Sterilization
- The Cost of Producing Maple Products in 1912 and 1913
- Bulletin 204: Commercial Feeding Stuffs; Concerning Alfalfa and Soy Beans
- Bulletin 205: Agricultural Seed; Concerning the Germination of Seed
- Bulletin 206: Commercial Fertilizers; Concerning Tillage
- Bulletin 200: Agricultural Seed; Concerning Weeds and Weed Seeds
- Bulletin 207: The Manufacture of Commercial Fertilizers
- Concerning Certain Technical Bulletins and Concerning the Annual Report
- Bulletin 201: Value of Different Grades of Milk in Infant Feeding
- Bulletin 202: "Mony Meikles Mak a Muckle" II.
- The Relation of the Milk-Vein System of Dairy Animals to Production
- The Cost of Milk and Fat Production in Vermont in 1911 and 1912
- The Influence of the Sire on the Herd
- Concerning the Burlington Milk Supply
- Bulletin 203: "Mony Meikles Mak a Muckle" III