Volume 43, Number 6: Arkansas farm research
- For Your Information
- Dead Tiller Syndrome in Rice Caused by Pythium Arrhenomanes
- Data From Arkansas Beef Bull Breeding Soundness Clinics
- Index to Volume 43, 1994
- Soiling Propensity of Durable Press Finished Cotton Fabric
- Stability Analysis of Soybean Blends and Cropping Systems
- Ozonation As A Potential Treatment for Pesticide Rinsate
- Rice Bran Oil Processing Costs and Returns
- Predicting Fungal Epizootics on Cotton Aphids
- Leaf Characteristics and Foliar Nitrogen Absorption in Cotton
- Arkansas Farmland Prices, Cash Rents & Mortgage Rates: 1921-1922
- "Kaybonnet": A New Blast-Resistant, Long-Grain Rice Variety