Volume XXVIII, Number 4: Arkansas farm research
- Arkansas Wheat Variety Tests, 1978-79
- Saccharin's Influence on Lipid Metabolism Is Related to Dietary Fat and Carbohydrate
- Grass Carp Aid Removal of Weeds in Irrigation Canals and Reservoirs
- Diversification to Reduce Risk
- Influence of Packaging and Storage on Quality of Pre-Snipped and Cut Snap Beans
- Effect of Gibberellic Acid on Yield and Quality Components of Spinach
- Consumer Attitudes Toward Poultry
- Loss of Gaseous N from Rice Leaves with Transpiration
- Insect Control Tactics in Loblolly Pine Seed Orchards
- "Pix" -- A Cotton Growth Regulant
- N and K Contents of Irrigated and Nonirrigated Soybean Plant Parts
- 1978 Crop Rotation Test, Keiser
- Measuring the Heat Generated in Composting
- Outbreak of Nailhead Disease of Tomatoes in Southeast Arkansas
- Trends in Performance of Bulls in Tested Beef Herds