Volume XXVIII, Number 3: Arkansas farm research
- Relationships among Postweaning Body Measurements and Feedlot Performance of Bulls
- Attitudes of Agricultural Agency Personnel and Low-Income Farmers Toward Each Other
- Medical Screening for the Elderly: An Ounce of Prevention
- Ice Damage to Plantation-Grown Loblolly Pine in South Arkansas
- Twelve Inbred Corn Lines with Resistance to the Corn Virus Complex Are Released
- Reduction in Rice Yield Caused by Sheath Blight
- Tolerance of Tomato Cultivars to Metribuzin
- A Technique for Timing Drip Irrigation of Staked Tomatoes
- Mosquito Surveillance in Cross County, 1977
- Two Methods of Feeding Large Round Hay Bales
- Acetaldehyde Effects on Postharvest Quality of Machine-Harvested Strawberries