Volume XXVII, Number 4: Arkansas farm research
- Arkansas Wheat Variety Tests, 1977-78
- Pricing Seedcotton for Extended Ginning
- Community Services for Older Citizens
- Protein Level Fed Pre-Partum and Body Weight, Milk Production, and Reproductive Performance
- Cotton Gin Trash Composting Studies
- Introducing Dung Beetles as an Aid in Manure Disposal and Fly Control
- Research on Simuated Hail Damage to Cotton in Arkansas
- Late-Season Foliar Fertilization Studies on Rice
- Comparison of Concentrated Pigment Sources for Laying Hen Diets
- Slicer Cucumber Variety Trials in NW Arkansas
- Effect of Growing Period Length on Sweet Potato Yields
- Canned Quality Characterisitcs of Spinach of Different Leaf Types