Volume XXVII, Number 2: Arkansas farm research
- Elite, A New Cream-Type Southernpea for Home Gardeners and Processors in Arkansas
- Intestinal Parasitism of Bulls Placed on Performance Tests in Arkansas
- Adapting Sunflowers for Production in Arkansas
- Spinach Fusarium Decline, a Widespread and Destructive Disease in Arkansas
- The Potential of Broiler Litter as Fuel
- Research in Barbecuing Meat
- Nitrogen Loss with Transpiration In Several Crop and Weed Species
- Using Tensiometers To Time Soybean Irrigation
- Determining Effects of Herbicides and Growth Regulating Chemicals on Plant Roots
- Response of "Mars" Rice to Fertilizer Nitrogen
- "Mars," a New Medium-Grain Rice Variety
- A Community-Wide Cotton Insect Management Program
- Establishing Blackberry Plantings with Root Cuttings
- Maturation and Quality of "Concord" Grapes As Influenced by the Pre-Harvest Complex
- Feeding Concentrates to Milk-Producing Cows Grazing High Quality Pastures
- Herd Size and Quality as Factors in Milk Production Costs
- Impact of Nitrate Monitoring on Cotton Production
- Effect of Bromine on Pine Forests
- Cost of Producing Catfish Fingerling