Volume XXVI, Number 6: Arkansas farm research
- Average Site and Stand Conditions of the South Arkansas Pine Resource
- Biological Availability and Stability of Commercial Sources of Vitamin K Activity
- Membership of Low-Income Farmers in Farmer Cooperatives in Arkansas
- Effects of Non-Commercial Miticides Against Mites on Dahlias and Soybeans
- Index to Volume XXVI
- Peach Rosette Disease
- A Solar-Heated Broiler House
- Venus, A New Seedless Table Grape for Arkansas
- An Evaluation of Cottonseed Treatment with Systemic Insecticides
- An Economic Analysis of Controlling Soybean Cyst Nematodes on Soybeans
- Evaluating New Training and Pruning Systems For Increasing Yield of "Concord" Grapes
- Quality of "Concord" Grape Juice As Affected by Cultural Methods
- Sweet Sorghum--For Sirup, Sugar, and/or Energy?
- Chemical Analysis and Fertilizer Value of Turkey Manure
- Level of Energy Intake Affects Growth and Milk Yields of Jersey Heifers