Volume XXVI, Number 1: Arkansas farm research
- Soybean Varietal Performance, 1976
- Variation in Protein Content of Arkansas Milk
- J. Pope--A Jointless Tomato for Pickling
- Effectiveness of Baculovirus heliothis and Bacillus thuringiensis Applied in Dry Baits
- Soil Salinity and Rice Seedling Survival
- Rice Diseases in Arkansas- -A Survey
- A Rapid Method of Measuring Moisture in Litter Used for Broilers Brooded at High Density
- Color of Grain in Grain Sorghum
- Disposal of Lye-Peeling Wastes from Sweet Potatoes by Fermentation for Livestock Feed
- DD50 Concept for Timing N Applications to Rice Works Well in Abnormally Cold Year
- Class 1 Base Plans--Operation and Performance