Volume XXIII, Number 4: Arkansas farm research
- Triticale in Calf Starter Rations
- Endemic Fungus Disease for Control of Prickly Sida in Cotton and Soybeans
- Mosquitofish as Predators of Ricefield Mosquito Larvae: Preliminary Observations under Applied Field Conditions
- 1973-74 Arkansas Oat Variety Tests
- 1973-74 Wheat Variety Trials
- Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station: The First Forty Years
- Establishing a Bermudagrass Lawn In a Cool Season Species Cover
- Effect of Storing Seedcotton On Seed and Lint Quality
- Broiler and Turkey Poult Performance On Mark III and Trough Waterers
- Quality and Nitrate-Nitrite Levels of Canned Spinach During Storage