Volume XX, Number 5: Arkansas farm research
- Larger Sow Herds Affect Feeder Pig Marketing
- Use of Models to Predict Air Movement in Poultry Housing
- Potential of Better Management Of Water in the Grand Prairie
- A Procedure To Determine Air Voids in Cottonseed
- Pelleted Whole Plant Soybeans for Selfl-Feeding Gestating Gilts and Sows
- Control of Wheat Diseases With Systemic Fungicides
- Marketing Farm-Raised Catfish
- Improving Performance of Young Turkey Poults with Nutrient Solutions
- Environmental Research
- Response of Bermudagrass to Three Sources and Two Rates of Nitrogen
- Influence of Ethephon on Early Yields of Yellow Summer Straightneck Squash
- Environmental Factors Affecting the Lone Star Tick