Volume 38, Number 4: Annals of the Entomological Society of America
- The Derivation of Hymenoptera
- A Statistical Study of Taxonomic Categories in Ants (Formicidae: Lasius neoniger and Lasius americanus)
- Book Notice
- On Some Nearctic Mygalomorph Spiders
- The Relation Between Poison Concentration and Survival Time of Roaches Injected with Sodium Metarsenite
- Book Notices
- A Colony of Solitary Wasps (Hymenoptera: Chlorionini)
- The Rectal Sac of the Red-legged Grasshopper, Melanoplus femur-rubrum DeGeer
- A Measure of the Influence of Natural Mortality Factors on Insect Survival
- Book Notice
- The Combined Effects of Genetic and Environmental Variations upon the Composition of Colias Populations
- Longevity as a Factor in Psychic Evolution
- Book Notice
- Spiders of the Genus Conopistha (Theridiidae, Conopisthinae) from Northwestern Peru and Ecuador