Volume 38, Number 1: Annals of the Entomological Society of America
- Officers
- Eight New Species of the Genus Eurytoma from Mexico and Guatemala (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae), Parts V and VI. Quadrata and Corpulenta Groups
- New Spiders from the Great Smoky Mountain National Park
- Book Notice
- The Odoriferous Glands in the Tenebrionidae
- Book Notice
- The Size of the Cell and the Sex of the Wasp in Ancistrocerus catskillensis de Sauss
- Notes on Issidae from Mexico (Homoptera: Fulgoridea)
- Taxonomic Value of Male Genitalia in Sphecoid Hymenoptera
- Book Notice
- Proceedings of the Thirty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America
- The Biology and Seasonal Cycle of Anopheles farauti on Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides
- Book Notice
- The Morphology of the Carabid Beetle, Calosoma scrutator (Fabricius)
- Book Notice
- A New Tetmcanthella from North Carolina, with a Key to the Known Species (Collembola: Isotomidae)
- Three New Species of Mutillidae from Peru and Bolivia (Hymenoptera)
- Book Notice
- Some Effects of Antisera on Larvae of the Southern Army worm, Prodenia eridania (Cram.)