Volume 37, Number 3: Annals of the Entomological Society of America
- Life History of the Tick Ornithodoros coriaceus Koch (Argasidae)
- Book Notice
- Mosquito Survey Activities at Camp Peary, Virginia
- Book Notices
- A Comparative Study of the Appendages of the Eighth and Ninth Abdominal Segments of Insects
- Book Notice
- New North American Tachinidae Belonging to the Genus Muscopteryx (Diptera)
- Bionomics of Amapsocus amabilis (Walsh), (Corrodentia, Psocidae)
- Book Notice
- Observations on Comperiella bifasciata, an Endoparasite of Diaspine Coccids
- Book Notice
- Female of Aeshna rufipennis (Odonata: Aeshnidae)