Volume 30, Number 1: Annals of the Entomological Society of America
- Officers of the Entomological Society of America
- Number of Instars of the Pink Bollworm Collected in Squares and in Bolls of Cotton
- Honeybee Monstrosities
- The Seasonal Cycle of Phylloxera notaabilis Pergande (Phylloxeridae, Homoptera)
- Two-Segmented Tarsi in Coccids: Other Notes (Homoptera)
- The Internal Thoracic Skeleton of the Dragon-flies (Odonata; Suborder Anisoptera)
- Biology of the Bordered Mantid, Stagmomantis limbata Hahn (Orthoptera, Mantidae)
- Biology of the Minor Mantid, Litaneutria minor Scudder (Orthoptera, Mantidae)
- Biology of Odencyrtus johnsoni (Howard), and the Role of the Egg Shell in the Respiration of Certain Encyrtid Larvae (Hymenoptera)
- Aphis Transmittal of Commelina nudiflora Linnaeus Mosaic to Pineapple
- New Hymenopterous Eucharidae)
- New Species of Termitophilous Staphylinidae from Tropical America and the Solomon Islands
- Proceedings of the Thirty-first Annual Meeting
- Book Notices
- A New Japanese Prociphilus (Aphidae)
- Studies in the Tiphidae (Hymenoptera Aculeata), I. A Review of the Genera of Myzininae
- Three New Western Species of Erythroneura (Homoptera-Cicadellidae)
- The Effect of Ecdysis on the Number of Mitotically Dividing Cells in the Hemolymph of the Insect Blatta orientalis
- Biology of the Ichneumonid Spilocryptus extrematis Cresson (Hymenoptera)
- Life-History Studies of the Squash Beetle in Alabama
- Two New Mallophaga