Volume 26, Number 2: Annals of the Entomological Society of America
- Entomological Centenaries
- Notes on Some South American Mosquitoes
- The Application of Artificially Prolonged Hibernation of Parasites to Liberation Technique
- Neoconocephalus lyristes (Rehn and Hebard) in the Middle West (Tettigoniidae, Orthopt.)
- On the Anatomy of Grylloblatta campodeiformis Walker: 2. Comparisons of Head with those of other Orthopteroid Insects
- Unusual Variation in the Life Cycle of the Male of Aenoplex carpocapsae Cush., Codling Moth Parasite
- New Species of Aphids from Colorado
- Inheritance of Song in Hybrids of Two Subspecies of Nemobius fasciatus (Orthoptera)
- A New Name for Mutilla dimidiata Lepeletier, with a Redescription of the Type Specimen
- Mutillidae of Formosa
- Book Reviews
- The Photoreceptive Organs of a Flesh Fly Larva, Lucilia sericata (Meigen): An Experimental and Anatomical Study
- Additional Notes on the Strepsipteron Eoxenos laboulbenei Peyerimhoff
- Collecting Grylloblatta campodeiformis var. occidentalis Syl
- Observations on the Flight and Length of Life of Drone Bees
- Determination of the Surface Area of Insects
- Ecological Study of the Ptiliid Myrmecocole, Limulodes paradoxus Matthews
- Some False Scorpions of the Atemnid Subfamily Miratemninae
- The Use of Blowfly Larvae in the Treatment of Infected Wounds