Volume 24, Number 3: Annals of the Entomological Society of America
- Notes on Some American Sphecinae (Hym.)
- An Additional Note on the Behavior of Hibernating Polistes Wasps
- On the Anatomy of Grylloblatta campodeiformis Walker
- Symphyla from North America
- Acrotomopus atropunctellus Boh. in Argentina Sugarcane
- Preliminary Studies of the Internal Structures of Braula coeca Nitzsch
- Two New Mallophaga From Two Closely Related Shorebirds
- The Genus Drylix in North America, (Homoptera, Cicadellidae)
- Seven New Southern Species of the Mayfly Genus Hexagenia, With Notes on the Genus
- New Species of Crane Flies from South America, Part V
- A Revision of the Males of the Nearctic Species in the Genus Fabriciella (Tachinidae)
- On "Dyar-s Rule" and its Application to Sawfly Larvae
- The Biology of Bittacus stigmaterus Say (Mecoptera, Bittacusidae)
- A Quantitative Study of Copper in Insects
- Hydrogen Ion Concentration Within the Digestive Tract of Certain Insects
- The Influence of Soil Acidity on the pH Value of the Contents of the Digestive Tract of Japanese Beetle Larvae
- The Determination of the Blood Volume of Insect Larvae
- An Ergatandrous Form in Ponera opaciceps Mayr
- The Cornell University Entomological Expedition to South America, 1919 and 1920, Scientific Results, Number 5, Hemiptera-Tingitidae