Volume 24, Number 2: Annals of the Entomological Society of America
- Professor John Henry Comstock
- Hymenoptera and Hemiptera
- Odonata
- Isoptera
- Coleoptera
- Trichoptera
- Ecology of Toxoptera graminum, Especially as to Factors Affecting Importance in the Northern United States
- The Habits of Leaf-mining Coleoptera on Barro Colorado Island, Panama
- A One-eyed Bee (Apis mellifica)
- The Biology of Tabanus lineola Fabr
- The Thermopile for Temperature Determinations in Entomology
- A Study of the Genus Nemobius. (Orthoptera: Gryllidae)
- Importance of Sex Ratio in Oriental Fruit Moth Parasite Breeding
- New Asilidae, with a Revised Key to the Genus Stenopogon Loew: (Diptera)
- Notes on the Biology of the Stable-fly, Stomoxys calcitrans Linn
- The Relation of Temperature and Rainfall to Outbreaks of the Grape Leaf hopper, Rrythroneura comes Say
- The Blueberry Maggot from an Ecological Viewpoint
- Studies on the Biology of Paratrioza cockerelli (Sulc.)
- Macrocentrus ancylivora Rohr. and M. delicatus Cress. Distinct Species
- The Magnolia Scale (Neolecanium cornuparmim Thro.)
- Insects from the Miocene (Latah) of Washington
- Introduction